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 Sirkel & Mall Training - 15.11.2024 - Valdkonnaspetsiifilised töövood

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EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2024-25

Digital Design for Sustainability

Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

Academic year 2024-25 - fall semester - 6 ECTS credits

Lecturers: Dr. Francesco De Luca, Arch. Ioannis Lykouras

Assistants: Payam Madelat MSc, Jelena Kazak MSc

Day and time: Monday from 02.09 to 19.12, from 10:00 to 13:15

Location: TalTech Mustamäe campus Architecture building room ICT-701 and Teams from here

EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2023-24

Digital Design for Sustainability

Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies - EuroTeQ Course Catalogue

Academic year 2023-24 - fall semester - 6 ECTS credits

Lecturers: Dr. Francesco De Luca, Arch. Ioannis Lykouras

Assistants: Karl Toomas Radik, Payam Madelat MSc

Day and time: Every Tuesday from 05.09 to 19.12, from 12:00 to 15:15 (Estonian time) 

Location: TalTech Mustamäe campus class U03-405 and Teams from here

EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2022-23

Sustainable and Net-zero Building Design in a Dense Urban Environemnt

Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

Academic year 2022-23 - fall semester - 6 ECTS credits

Dr. Francesco De Luca, Arch. Ioannis Lykouras

Thursday 14:00 – 17:15 - TalTech Mustamäe campus class U03-405 and U03-422/423

EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2021-22

 Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies 

Academic year 2021-22 - fall semester - 6 ECTS credits

Dr. Francesco De Luca, Arch. Ioannis Lykouras

Tuesday 16:00 – 19:15 - TalTech Mustamäe campus class U03-405 + U03-422/423

Daylight Design 2020-21 Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

 Dr. Francesco De Luca - Lectures program, information and support files.

Simulation Methods for Research and Design in Architecture

Dr. Francesco De Luca

TalTech – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies – 17 September 2020

Link to download the presentation

EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2020-21

Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

Academic year 2020-21 - Fall semester – Study program EAUI71 - EAUI12/17 - 6 ECTS credits

Research Scientist Francesco De Luca, Lecturer Ioannis Lykouras

Thursday 14:00 – 17:15 - TalTech U03-405


Building Physics II - TalTech / Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Parametric Shading and Daylight Design 2019 - PSDD19

EAL0040 Urban Planning - Planning Project I Energy Efficient Urban Quarter

High density mixed use efficient and comfortable new urban district in Tallinn

Academic year 2019-20 Fall semester – Students EAUI71 - 8 ECTS credits

Studio leader: Dr. Francesco De Luca. Lecturer: Arch. Ivan Gavrilov

Monday 08:45-11:45 Computer lab U03-217 Mustamäe campus
Friday 10:30-12:00 Computer lab U03-217 Mustamäe campus (Tõnismägi class 42)

EAA0190 - Architectural project III – Environmental Performance-driven Design

Computer lab - room U03-217 (Mustamäe campus) – Thursdays 15.45-17.30 (15.45-19.30)

Program (to be confirmed)

EAA0170 Parametric Design - PD18

Tuesday 10:00-11:30 – Computer Lab U03-217

Course program

EKK0090 - Sustainable Energy Sources - SES18

Parametric and Daylight Design for Electric Light Energy Saving

Course program

Building Physics II - Parametric Shading and Daylight Design 2018 - PSDD18

Course program

Performance-driven Architectural Design and Planning

Student works

The following are the images of the final work presentations by the students.

Performance-driven Architectural Design and Planning


The following are the slides of the three lectures during the workshop. 

Performance-driven Architectural Design and Planning

Workshop program

Tallinn University of Technology – School of Engineering - Civil Engineering and Architecture Institute

From 20 to 25 August 2018

Performance-driven Architectural Design and Planning

Workshop software

This page explain where to download the software necessary for the workshop and how to install it on the attendants computers (as mentioned in the program the attendants will participate in the workshop using their own laptops).

The software will be the following:
Rhinoceros (3D modeling)
Grasshopper (parametric design)
Ladybug Tools (environmental and solar design)
DIVA4 (daylight design)
Archisim (energy design)
Radiance and Daysim (daylight simulations)
EnergyPlus (energy simulations)

To download and install all the necessary software and components follow the following steps: