Workshop program
Tallinn University of Technology – School of Engineering - Civil Engineering and Architecture Institute
Target group and organization
The workshop is addressed to students of architecture and civil engineering faculties at master level from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. The selected students from Latvia, Finland and outside Tallinn will have full scholarship that will include travel, board and lodging in Tallinn for 7 days (arrival on Sunday 19.08.2018 departure on Sunday 26.08.2018). The workshop is funded by the NORDPLUS programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) - Higher Education objective (project title: Performative Integrated Architectural Design and Planning - project ID: NPHE-2017/10279).
The workshop is addressed to students of architecture and civil engineering faculties at master level from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. The selected students from Latvia, Finland and outside Tallinn will have full scholarship that will include travel, board and lodging in Tallinn for 7 days (arrival on Sunday 19.08.2018 departure on Sunday 26.08.2018). The workshop is funded by the NORDPLUS programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) - Higher Education objective (project title: Performative Integrated Architectural Design and Planning - project ID: NPHE-2017/10279).
The simulation of the behaviors and performances of buildings and environments is a crucial aspect of the knowledge and skills of every architect, engineer or specialist of the building industry. For centuries designers have tried to anticipate the results of their drawings and calculations building physical mock-ups and models of their project simulating the reality that still didn’t exist.
In the twenty-first century, architecture benefits from the availability of performance simulations executed during the design process by advanced computation software always more and more user friendly. This permit to design more efficient and sustainable buildings that fulfill the design goals, the site and climate conditions and the available resources.
However building simulations and performance analysis can be related to different characteristics of the buildings and environments that influence each other. So doing it is very important that the designer understand how the different simulations and performance analysis can be integrated to deliver more comprehensive and reliable results, and at the same time how to correctly interpret large amounts of complex performance data generated.
Designing increasingly smarter, integrated, and efficient building and environments requires a perfect understanding of the results and constraints of simulations and performance analysis and their integration. The objectives of the course are:
- Give to the students a comprehensive picture of the possible building performance analysis available with the actual design software and the knowledge necessary to select the appropriate type in relation with the design task.
- Render the students aware of the correct methodologies of integration of the different types of performance analysis that influence each other in the final design.
- Make the students understand the methodologies and standards to correctly interpret the results of complex and articulated simulations and large amount of data to obtain reliable results necessary to inform correctly the design process.
The simulation of the behaviors and performances of buildings and environments is a crucial aspect of the knowledge and skills of every architect, engineer or specialist of the building industry. For centuries designers have tried to anticipate the results of their drawings and calculations building physical mock-ups and models of their project simulating the reality that still didn’t exist.
In the twenty-first century, architecture benefits from the availability of performance simulations executed during the design process by advanced computation software always more and more user friendly. This permit to design more efficient and sustainable buildings that fulfill the design goals, the site and climate conditions and the available resources.
However building simulations and performance analysis can be related to different characteristics of the buildings and environments that influence each other. So doing it is very important that the designer understand how the different simulations and performance analysis can be integrated to deliver more comprehensive and reliable results, and at the same time how to correctly interpret large amounts of complex performance data generated.
Designing increasingly smarter, integrated, and efficient building and environments requires a perfect understanding of the results and constraints of simulations and performance analysis and their integration. The objectives of the course are:
- Give to the students a comprehensive picture of the possible building performance analysis available with the actual design software and the knowledge necessary to select the appropriate type in relation with the design task.
- Render the students aware of the correct methodologies of integration of the different types of performance analysis that influence each other in the final design.
- Make the students understand the methodologies and standards to correctly interpret the results of complex and articulated simulations and large amount of data to obtain reliable results necessary to inform correctly the design process.
- The students will design in the appropriate way digital models to be used for simulations and will link the models to the appropriate analysis tools selected for the given design task.
- The course attendants will realize algorithmic models using parametric design software to integrate different type of performance analysis tools applied to building design and planning.
- The students will analyze the data of the simulations and performance analysis and will use the results for the design of a smart and efficient building façade or an integrated and sustainable urban layout.
- The course attendants will realize algorithmic models using parametric design software to integrate different type of performance analysis tools applied to building design and planning.
- The students will analyze the data of the simulations and performance analysis and will use the results for the design of a smart and efficient building façade or an integrated and sustainable urban layout.
The workshop presents three types of activities:
- Lectures about the theoretical framework of the workshop. The lectures topic will include computational and parametric design for architecture, solar geometries, daylighting and urban microclimate, energy design for new and existing buildings.
- Presentation of the available tools that integrate parametric design, with solar design, daylighting, urban microclimate and energy simulations;
- How-to lessons to integrate the tools in architectural design and planning projects.
It is required proficiency with CAD and BIM software. It is a plus a basic knowledge of parametric design tools, environmental analysis and energy performance simulation software. Approximately two months before the workshop the present website will be completed with information and tutorials for the participants to get a useful basic knowledge before starting the workshop.
Students qualification criteria and registration
The workshop will be attended by max 20 students from three different countries. Five from Finland, five from Latvia and ten from Estonia. To request to participate in the workshop the students have to write an email to Francesco De Luca at with motivation letter and a brief CV with indication of design experience, CAD, BIM, parametric design and performance analysis software proficiency. In the subject of the email has to be written "Registration PDADP18 yourname" (without quotes - yourname is your surname + name). The selection will be done on the basis of the following:
- date of request by email
- motivation letter
- CV
The deadline for the request of registration is 15.06.2018. The selected students will be notified by 21.06.2018.
- date of request by email
- motivation letter
- CV
The deadline for the request of registration is 15.06.2018. The selected students will be notified by 21.06.2018.
Evaluation and credits
At the end of the workshop the students will present the work of study case design developed singularly or in small groups to show the process used to integrate computational methodologies with environmental and energy design tools and the outcomes. The workshop will grant 2 ECTS.
Workshop tutors and lecturers
Francesco De Luca (PhD) – Researcher Tallinn University of Technology (tutor-lecturer)
Lisa Voigtländer (MSc) - Lecturer Tampere University of Technology (tutor-lecturer)
Anatolijs Borodinecs (PhD) - Professor Riga Technical University (lecturer)
Computers and software
It is a requisite that the students will come with their own laptops. Indications about downloading and installing the software (trial version or free) is provided in the following webpage. The software will be the following:
- Rhinoceros (3D modeling)
- Grasshopper (parametric design)
- Ladybug Tools (environmental and solar design)
- DIVA4 (daylight design)
- Archisim (energy design)
- Archisim (energy design)
- Radiance and Daysim (daylight simulations)
- EnergyPlus (energy simulations).
Workshop programme
Sunday 19.08 – Students arrival
Day 01 - Monday 20.08
- 9:00-9:10 Workshop presentation -
Francesco De Luca
- 9:10-10:00 Lecture “Digital Design in
Urban environments” Lisa Voigtländer
- 10:00-12:30 Parametric design – Introduction basic functionality (3D modeling with Rhino & Grasshopper, Parameters, Components, Inputs, Lists)
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-16:00 Performance design –
Solar Design (Sun Path, Shading Design, Shading Mask, Sun Light Hour
- 16:00-18:00 Presentation of case
study site. Students’ case study work with tutors' support.
Day 02 - Tuesday 21.08
- 9:00-10:00 Lecture
“Performance-driven Design” Francesco De Luca
- 10:00-12:30 Parametric design – Introduction advanced functionality (Trees, Math operators, Attractors & Vectors, Previews)
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-16:00 Performance design – Urban
Comfort (Solar Radiation Studies, Urban Microclimate, View Studies)
- 16:00-18:00 Students’ case study
work with tutors' support.
Day 03 - Wednesday 22.08
- 9:00-10:00 Lecture “Energy efficiency
for buildings” Anatolijs Borodinecs
- 10:00-12:30 Parametric design – Pattern design basic functionality (Grid Patterns Mesh patterns)
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-16:00 Performance design – Wind
Comfort (Wind Analysis, Wind Speed Simulation, Pedestrian Wind Comfort Analysis)
- 16:00-18:00 Students’ case study
work with tutors' support.
Day 04 - Thursday 23.08
- 9:00-12:00 Parametric design – Pattern design advanced functionality (Simple Urban Model, Conditional Statements)
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:30 Performance design – Daylight
Design (Illuminance, Daylight Factor, Dynamic Daylight Analysis, Lighting
- 15:30-18:00 Students’ case study
work with tutors' support.
Day 05 - Friday 24.08
- 9:00-12:00 Parametric design – Adjustment time_ evt.External data, Image data
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:30 Performance design – Energy
Design (Geometry Preparation, Thermal Zones Settings, Materials, Schedules,
Energy Simulation and Results)
- 15:30-18:00 Students’ case study
work with tutors' support.
Day 06 - Saturday 25.08
- 9:00-12:00 Students’ case study work with tutors' support.
Day 06 - Saturday 25.08
- 9:00-12:00 Students’ case study work with tutors' support.
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:00 Students' work presentation.
- 13:00-15:00 Students' work presentation.
Sunday 26.08 – Students departure