Suggested readings

The following is a concise reference list (not in a specific order) of texts, books, articles, scientific papers and links to documents about environmental design, daylighting, energy design and computational design topics related with the workshop. These can be used by the attendants of the workshop as preliminary studies or as further readings to explore more in detail the topics and their influence on architectural design, planning and building construction. (Few links goes to e-commerce pages of publishing houses, most of them to free available resources online)

Brown, G., Z. and DeKay, M., Sun, Wind and Light. Architectural Design Strategies, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA, 2001. Link

Lechner, R., Heating, Cooling, Lighting. Design Methods for Achitects, Wiley Interscience, New York, USA, 1991. Link

Marsh, A., Computer-optimised shading design, in Proceedings of  Building Simulation 2003: 8th International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA 2003), Eindhoven, 831-838, 2003. Link

Olgyay, V. and Olgyay, A., Solar Control and Shading Devices, Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA, 1957. Link

Reinhart, C., Daylighting Handbook I. Fundamentals. Designing with the Sun, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2014. Link

Ruck, N. et. al., Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on Daylighting Systems and Components, A report of International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Energy Conservation in Buildings & Community Systems,  Annex 29, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2000. Link

Robinson, D., Computer Modelling for Sustainable Urban Design: Physical Principles, Methods and Applications, Earthscan Publications, 2011. Link

Knowles, R., L., The solar envelope: its meaning for energy and buildings, Energy and Buildings 35, 15–25, 2003. Link

Knowles, R., L., Energy and Form:  An Ecological Approach to Urban Growth, MIT Press, 1974. Link

Knowles, R., L., Sun Rhythm Form, MIT Press, 1981. Link

Niemasz, J., Sargent, J. and Reinhart, C., Solar Zoning and Energy in Detached Residential Dwellings, Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design, vol. 40 - 5, 801-813, 2013. Link

Maradaljevic, J., Precision Modelling of Parametrically Defined Solar Shading Systems: Pseudo-Changi. Proceedings, Eighth International IBPSA Conference, 823-829, 2003. Link

Sadeghipour, M. and Smith, A., Ladybug: a parametric environmental plugin for Grasshopper to help designers create an environmentally-conscious design, Proceedings of BS2013: 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 3128-3135, 2013. Link

Sargent, J. A., Niemasz, J. and Reinhart, C. F. (2011), Shaderade: Combining Rhinoceros and EnergyPlus for the Design of Static Exterior Shading Devices, Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), 310-317, 2011. Link

De Luca, F., Voll, H. and Thalfeldt, M., Horizontal or Vertical? Windows’ Layout Selection for Shading Devices Optimization. Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 27 No. 6, 2016. Link

De Luca, F., Solar Envelope Optimization Method for Complex Urban Environments, CAADence in Architecture 2016 – Topic: Simulation Budapest 16-17 June, 2016. Link

Kaftan, E. and Marsh, A., Integrating the cellular method for shading design with a thermal simulation, Proceedings International Conference Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, 965-970, 2005. Link

Kaftan, E., The Cellular Method to Design Energy Efficient Shading Form to Accommodate the Dynamic Characteristics of Climate, Proceedings PLEA 2001 - The 18th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 829-833, 2001. Link

Ibarra, D. and Reinhart, C., Daylight Factor Simulations - How Close do Simulations Beginners 'Really' Get?, Proceedings Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, 2009. Link

Ward, G., J., The RADIANCE Lighting Simulation and Rendering System, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 459-472, 1994. Link

Nejur, A., Solar optimization of complex architectural geometry using generative tools simulation and search algorithms, Proceedings 2nd Conference for PhD students in Civil Engineering CE-PhD 2014,Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014. Link

Ibarra, D. and Reinhart, C., Solar Availability: A Comparison Study of Six Irradiation Distribution Methods, Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 2011. Link