EAL0140 Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning 2024-25

Digital Design for Sustainability

Tallinn University of Technology – Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

Academic year 2024-25 - fall semester - 6 ECTS credits

Lecturers: Dr. Francesco De Luca, Arch. Ioannis Lykouras

Assistants: Payam Madelat MSc, Jelena Kazak MSc

Day and time: Monday from 02.09 to 19.12, from 10:00 to 13:15

Location: TalTech Mustamäe campus Architecture building room ICT-701 and Teams from here



The built environment consumes 36% of the energy globally produced and is responsible for 37% of energy-related global CO2 emissions [1]. This trend is expected to grow with the increasing share of the urban population, which is expected to reach 68% by 2050 [2]. It has been predicted that the floor area additions on a global scale by the year 2060 will be about 230 billions of square meters [3], which to quote the Architecture 2030 organization website “is the equivalent of adding an entire New York City to the planet every 34 days for the next 40 years”. A recent study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that only through sustainable and low energy human activities we will be able to keep the global temperature increase, mainly caused by human activities, by the year 2100 at about 2 °C above pre-industrial levels as requested by the Paris climate agreement of 2015 [4].

Buildings share of global energy use and energy-related CO2 emissions. Source: United Nations, 2021.

Thus, sustainability, low energy and carbon-neutral development, healthiness and well being, use of renewable energy, inclusivity and accessibility, and the reuse of urban areas fall within the agenda of countries and international organizations and are part of initiatives as the UN Sustainable Development Goals [5]. Buildings and urban forms have a major impact on building energy use, passive heating and potential energy generation. Building orientation, articulation and envelope have significant influence on the healthiness and liveability of indoor spaces, and they can improve the quality of daylight, which is the source of interior building illumination that is most appreciated by occupants. Urban density, building heights and patterns determine the livability of urban areas and outdoor thermal comfort experienced by people.

This underlines our responsibility. As designers, architects and planners we are increasingly urged to develop design solutions for climate adaptation that result in reduced impacts on climate and resource depletion.

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Design Goals

The course topic for the year 2024/25 Digital Design for Sustainability want to emphasize the importance of architecture and urban design to contribute to develop a sustainable future for the environment and the society. The course objective is to provide the students the knowledge to design buildings and neighborhoods integrating architectural and urban design with sustainable design principles, environmental and climatic simulations and performance analysis to help tackling the pressing issues of climate change and resource depletion and resilience of the built environment. The course, capitalizing on the use of digital design and simulations at the building and urban scale, focuses on five design goals: Design for Accessibility, Design for Well-being, Design for Clean Energy, Design for Climate, Design for Ecosystems. The task is to design a building, or a compact cluster of buildings, with high architectural quality using sustainable design principles and simulations related to the goals and analyzing the performance of several design variations through quantitative metrics and qualitative criteria. The scope is to understand the relations between buildings and their use, and environmental and climatic factors, to improve the building sustainability and to select a design solution with high environmental performance.  

1 - Design for Accessibility

Related UN SDG: 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Planning livable neighborhoods must take into account how to eliminate all the physical and sensorial barrier to guarantee accessibility and usability of public spaces for all, and mostly for vulnerable and disabled people. Important aspects are related to connections with public transport and amenities, walkability and bikeability, outdoor comfort and safety with respect to climatic hazards, nature based solutions, social liveliness and economic activity, and absence of architectural barriers. The course Design for Accessibility goal focuses on outdoor thermal comfort and urban network analysis.

2 - Design for Well-being

Related UN SDG: 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

One of the aspects of sustainable building design is realizing indoor spaces with adequate natural illumination, thermal comfort mostly by means of passive and low energy strategies, visual comfort during the whole year, natural ventilation, pollutant free furnishing materials, visual connection with the outside especially with areas with people and natural elements. Has been proven that these aspects positively influence the physiological and psychological well-being of building occupants. The course Design for Well-being goal focuses on daylight and view out. 

3 - Design for Clean Energy

Related UN SDG: 7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

The reduction of the energy used by buildings through passive design measures, energy efficiency and the generation off site and on site of renewable energy are crucial factors for reducing resource depletion and green house gas emissions of the built environment. On site solar energy can provide large part or all the electric energy needed to heat, cool, light and for the appliances of buildings. The course Design for Clean Energy goal focuses on optimizing building integrated photovoltaic systems to provide the energy required by the building.

4 - Design for Climate

Related UN SDG: 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The global crises of climate change, global warming and resource depletion are strictly related with human activities. Green house gases emissions are the main responsible for the worldwide increasing surface and air temperature, posing a serious threat for humans and ecosystems. Buildings are responsible of huge amount of CO2 emissions during all the phases of their life cycle, of which the main are construction and use, producing embodied and operational carbon, respectively. The course Design for Climate goal will focus on designing to reduce the embodied carbon emission of buildings.

5 - Design for Ecosystems

Related UN SDG: 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

The presence of green and blue infrastructures, grass and trees and water basins, favor the creation and restoration of natural habitats inside the cities. Trees absorb CO2, and significantly increase outdoor thermal comfort during the warm season through shading and reducing the air temperature by transpirative cooling. Has been proven that the view out toward green elements and trees has beneficial effects and can reduce physical and psychological discomfort of building occupants. The course Design for Ecosystems focuses on providing adequate areas supporting vegetation.


Studio Work

The course is conducted as a design studio. It will consist of lectures, how-to tutoring and consultations done at the university by the lecturers and assistants. Most part of the work to finalize the project proposals will be conducted by teams as home work.


The project proposals will be developed by students in teams. Each team will focus on one design goal (described in the previous section) to develop the sustainable design proposal. Team 1 will focus on the design goal Design for Accessibility, team 2 on Design for Well-being, team 3 on Design for Clean Energy, team 4 on Design for Climate and team 5 on Design for Ecosystems. Thus, the student teams will be 5. We expect that each team is composed by 3 to 5 students. It is advisable that each team member participate in the development of the project idea and in the selection of the design proposal, then everyone specializes in one or more aspects, e.g., architectural drafting in Rhino or in the BIM environment, three-dimensional modeling in Rhino, a specific simulation, results analysis, so to work more efficiently. At the same time, all the students of each tam must have knowledge of all the design aspects taken into account for the sustainable design proposal. It is also advisable that, if some students have already skills in using the three-dimensional modeling and parametric software Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, they are not all part of the same team, instead they distribute among the teams.

Building functions

The project will consist of one building or a compact buildings cluster. In the case of one single building, it will be an articulated building constituted by different volumes. The function of the buildings to design are residential and offices, for a new mixed use area. The two functions will be integrated in the final architectural design of all teams. Team 2 will select the functions of the buildings and will design accordingly the typical floor plan layouts before the simulations, that will be used then to improve the layouts design. Teams 3 and 4 will select the functions of the building volumes before the simulations and calculations. Team 1 and 5 will not need to select the functions of the buildings before the simulations and calculations. This will be explained more in detail at the start of the course.

Design Areas

Each team focusing on one design goal will developed the project on an assigned design area, different for every team. Since the task is to design a compact though articulated building or buildings cluster, and due to the different design goals, the buildings of design goals 2, 3 and 4 should use not more than 1/2 of the plot using the Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) metric provided (max BCR 0.5), whereas the buildings of design goals 1 and 5 should use not more than 2/3 of the plot (max BCR 0.67) to leave a large part of the area of the plot for public use (BCR = total buildings footprint area (m2) / plot area (m2)). With “use of the plot” here we mean the area occupied by the buildings and by the space between the buildings. There is no exact requirement for buildings height. The location of the building or buildings inside the plot is part of the design by the teams. The remaining area will be planned by the team as open public area.

All the areas are located in Tallinn. For each area it is possible to download a Rhinoceros file realized with three-dimensional volumes of the buildings surrounding the area, the main streets, and the plot where to locate the project. The unit of the models is the meter. The existing three-dimensional buildings are divided in two groups. A first group located in a layer called “Surrounding buildings” are the closest to the design plot, to use for the simulations. A second group located in a layer called “Urban area” are buildings to be use for visualization in three-dimensional diagrams and architectural visualizations. 

The following is the list of design areas with Google location, aero photo and link to download the Rhino 3D file.

Vööri street 

Google Map (Download the Rhino 3D model from Material section)
(Click on the image to enlarge)

Ahtri street

Google Map (Download the Rhino 3D model from Material section)
(Click on the image to enlarge)

Lastekodu street 

Google Map (Download the Rhino 3D model from Material section)
(Click on the image to enlarge)

Kristiina street

Google Map (Download the Rhino 3D model from Material section)
(Click on the image to enlarge)

Marja street

Google Map (Download the Rhino 3D file model Material section)
(Click on the image to enlarge)


The software used for design and simulation will be installed on the student personal computers. If some students do not have a personal computer, a solution will be found for them to use university computers. For some of the software, every student can use one of the TalTech license and code. Other software is free. The software used is the following.

- Rhinoceros/Grasshopper (design goals: all). This software is used for three-dimensional modeling and parametric design. Website https://www.rhino3d.com/. All the students will download and install the software on their laptops from the Rhinoceros wabepage link https://www.rhino3d.com/download/archive/rhino/7/latest/. If necessary, the students can use this program and the other software presented at the following points in the computer lab U03-405 and U03-423. Although there is a new version of the software (Rhino 8) TalTech owns a Rhino 7 license. If this will constitute a problem of compatibility with other software used in the course, e.g., simulation software, and licenses, a solution will be found. Every student will register an account on the Rhinoceros website (page “my account”), and will send an email to francesco.deluca@taltech.ee as described in the Organization section for the activation of the license. Students are recommended to use their TalTech email for the registration. After, the student access to the TalTech Rhino license will be activated. Before starting to use Rhinoceros the first time, the student will access their account on the Rhinoceros website. Several tutorials are available at the page “learn”.

- Ladybug Tools (design goal: 1). This software is used for environmental and climatic analysis as a plug-in for Grasshopper. Website https://www.ladybug.tools/ladybug.html. Although this software is necessary for the teams working with design goals 1 and 5, it is recommended to all the students to install it because it is important that everyone learn all the design tools and because this software presents several tools to be used for different purposes in environmental design workflows. The software is freely distributed by the developer. It can be downloaded from the website food4Rhino https://www.food4rhino.com/en/app/ladybug-tools login in with the registered Rhino account. Download the version 1.8 (latest). Installation instructions are available here https://github.com/ladybug-tools/lbt-grasshopper/wiki (do not install the software in the section “Optional Steps” at the installation page). Since this installation can be complicated, it will be discussed during one lesson.

- ClimateStudio (design goals: 2, 3). This software is used for daylight and energy simulations as a plug-in for Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. Website https://www.solemma.com/. All the students will download and install the ClimateStudio version 2 software on their laptops from the following link (the file is located on the cloud service used by the lecturers) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/095cgdbgw839rzugwk11z/ClimateStudio_2.0.9012.26837.msi?rlkey=k2tjuti7fj8nqoecervuzjq8h&dl=0The students will receive by email the code to use the software. Instructions about how to activate the software with the code will be given during the course. If the student wants, this license can be used for all the study period at TalTech also after the end of the course. It is possible the TalTech license for ClimateStudio will not work if not activated at TalTech. We will verify this during the course.  

- EPiC (design goal: 4). This is a plugin in Grasshopper to quantify the embodied carbon of building designs. Website https://msd.unimelb.edu.au/research/projects/current/environmental-performance-in-construction/epic-grasshopper. EPiC integrates with Epic database available at the website http://www.epicdatabase.com.au/ which includes carbon emission factors of several construction materials. It also enables the designers to create Epic custom Material. The plugin can be downloaded from the website food4Rhino https://www.food4rhino.com/en/app/epic-grasshopper login in with the registered Rhino account. The plugin is free of charge. Please Select version 1.01 (date: 2023-06-30). The installation is quite straightforward and will be explained. 

- BVGI (design goal: 5). This is a software developed by the tutors of the course as a parametric design plug-in for Grasshopper. It will be provided before the performative design lesson related to design goal 5.

IMPORTANT: Although not all the plug-ins for environmental and digital design are necessary for the work of all the design goals, all the students and teams are encouraged to install them all and make exercises about all the sustainability tools even if they are not strictly necessary for their work. In this way the students will learn different methods of digital design for sustainability. 

Specific parametric design tools developed by the course tutors will be used during the course. These will be provided during the course together with other study material and information. The software used for architectural design of plans, sections and elevations, for rendering, image editing and presentation panels layout can be any decided by the students. Presentation techniques and panel design will be topics covered in a specific lesson. 


Design Workflow

The development of the project is conducted through different phases which constitute the design workflow. The method used in the course is the evidence-based method. Once the architectural concept is finalized, it is used to develop several design alternatives, either as different solutions (generating from the same concept) or as modification of an original solutions. Thus, the solution which shows higher level of sustainability, i.e., is more performative, and at the same time embeds well the initial architectural idea is selected for the final architectural design proposal by each team.

The design workflow is composed of different phases.

- Conceptual design. The initial idea is developed. Its architectural quality, connection with the site and local functions, and relation with environmental factors are verified. The project concept is developed through sketches and diagrams. Conceptual design is developed before to start the project for all the design goals.

- Building massing. This relates with the study of the building volumes or buildings in terms of size, height, distances and orientations, and in relation to the functions it will accommodate. The building massing is developed through three-dimensional modeling in Rhinoceros or parametric modeling in Grasshopper. Building massing is developed at the beginning of the project for all the design goals.

- Floor plan layout. This phase is used to realize schematic floor plan layout of the building massing (one or more floor plans depending if the building is one or different) to be used for performance analysis which pertain the interior of buildings. Floor plan layout is realized through BIM software. Floor plan layout is realized through BIM software. Floor plan layout is developed with building massing for design goal 2, and during the architectural design phase for the other design goals.

- Simulations. During this phase the different environmental and climatic performance simulations in relation to the specific design goal and assessment methods are conducted for the design solutions tested by the teams. Simulations are performed during the project for all the design goals.

- Performance analysis. In this phase the results of the different environmental and climatic performance simulations of the building or urban environment design solutions are analyzed in relation to metrics to select one which fulfill required levels. Performance analysis is performed during the project for all the design goals.

- Architectural design. During this phase the selected building solution is used to develop the architectural project consisting in situation plan of the entire area, typical floor plans, sections and facades, and 3D perspectives and views axonometric. Architectural design is performed after the performance analysis and solution selection for all the design goals.

Following are presented the design workflows recommended for the different design goals, including the phases and software to use, objective, strategies, and metrics. This aspect will be discussed more in detail during the lessons dedicated to each design goal.


1 - Design for Accessibility

Design workflow

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Objectives. Design buildings layout and massing, i.e., size, height, orientation and mutual distances, to provide outdoor thermal comfort around and between the buildings during the select warm period of the year. Design the situation plan with outdoor functions as paths, relax and playground area and terraces taking into account the outdoor thermal comfort in the area during the select cold and warm periods of the year.

Strategies. Test different buildings layout and massing variations to protect outdoor areas blocking direct solar radiation during the select warm period of the year and where it is beneficial according to design.  Shading trees can be used in the areas far from the buildings. Locate outdoor functions to be used in the cold season where solar radiation is larger and pleasant for comfort during the select cold period of the year.

Metrics. Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) for warm and cold periods. Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy (OTCA) only for the warm period. Urban network diagrams.


 2 - Design for Well-being

Design workflow

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Objectives. Design buildings layout and massing, and floor plans and façade (windows) to provide visual comfort through adequate natural illumination and possibility to view the outside environment, and at the same time designing a compact building or cluster. After the volumetric building massing, the typical floor plan layout is designed schematically with vertical and horizontal connections, premises divisions (rooms) and window location and size.

Strategies. Test typical floor plan layout and façade variations with different characteristics relative to premises rooms quantity and size (especially depth in relation to orientation and exterior obstruction), window size and location. Although it is possible also to change glazing optical properties (visible transmittance), that influence daylight availability, it is recommended to test only morphological variations. Test also different buildings layout and massing which influence significantly access of natural light and view out.

Metrics. EN 17037 Daylight Provision. EN 17037 View Out.


3 - Design for Clean Energy

Design workflow

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Objectives. Design buildings layout and massing and façade layout to generate sufficient renewable energy through Building Integrated Photovoltaic systems (BIPV) to satisfy the energy need of the building or buildings. The design task is that to generate the energy needed by the buildings with the smallest area of BIPV located on the roofs and on the facades.

Strategies. Test different buildings layout and massing (the latter also taking into account the envelope to volume ratio and roof area to volume ratio) and façade layouts variations in consideration of size of windows using the window-to-wall ratio (WWR) on the different orientations, to evaluate best solutions to generate energy through BIPV, and at the same time designing a compact building or cluster. The WWR is then used for the architectural design phase.

Metrics. Load match factor.


4 - Design for Climate

Design workflow

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Objectives. Design buildings layout and massing, and facades to reduce the estimated embodied carbon emission of the project. Embodied carbon emissions depend on the type and quantity of materials used and on the construction methods, which present very different carbon factors. Structural elements and interiors will be accounted for through simplified methods.

Strategies. Test different building layout and massing, and façade layout (size of glazed areas) variations to design functional buildings which require smaller amount of materials and are realized with construction methods which account for smaller embodied carbon emissions. Also, use materials with smaller carbon factor which are realized locally.

Metrics. Embodied carbon emission.


 5 - Design for Ecosystems

Design workflow

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Objectives. Design buildings layout and massing with improved horizontal areas, on the ground or on the buildings, which can support vegetation and can be easily accessed by people. Vertical green facades are not part of the objectives. Buildings massing and layout should be designed also taking into account the highly valuable view towards green areas from the building interior.

Strategies. Test different building layout and massing variations with improved share of design area used for grass and trees, ratio of buildings facades from which it is possible to see vegetation in the design area, and with integration with urban functions of surrounding area as green systems, paths, sidewalks, and promenades.

Metrics: Ratio of plot area covered with vegetation. Ratio of building facades from which see vegetation (BVGI).


IMPORTANT. Although the design workflow and software tools are different for the different design goals, all students are encouraged to attend the lessons relative to all the design goals, download and install all the software and practice all the digital design workflows making exercises using the files that will be provided.



The final review (exam), which will take place in January, will be done by each team presenting the project using 4 panels (placard) of standard size A1 (594 mm width x 841 mm height). If necessary, it can be agreed with the lecturers to add 1 more panel. The content of each panel is the following.

Panel 1. Diagrams and sketches for presentation of the project concept. Three-dimensional diagrams or flowchart for presentation of the conceptual buildings layout and massing variations. Volumetric of the more significant building variations used in performance studies.

Panel 2. Performance results presentation of selected building variations. The performance of the different variations will be presented through color coded three-dimensional diagrams of the areas and building massing and relative legends with metric units, and with comparative charts. Presentation of the building variation selected for architectural design.

Panel 3. Architectural design of situation plan, the buildings ground floor and their integration. The situation plan will show the design of the entire area and connections with surrounding urban areas and structures. Architectural design of typical floor plan of all the buildings of the project, including stairs and elevators, halls and corridors, premises, rooms, windows and furnishing.

Panel 4. Architectural design of sections and elevations. Three-dimensional representations as renderings, and axonometric views.

It is required to each group that the 4 drawing panels of the project are sent by email to the course lecturers before the final review day in pdf format. The maximum file size for each A1 project board in pdf format is 10Mb. Together with the A1 boards is requested to deliver an A4 file in pdf format of all the project panels with a maximum file size of 2Mb.



Team grades will be assigned in an objective way according to the method described hereinafter. However, a certain degree of subjective evaluation cannot be excluded. The course grades will go from 0 to 5 and will be the sum of partial grades given for the following sections.

Project concept – from 0 to 1. This section evaluates the quality of the project concept, of the building layout and massing, of the relation of the project idea with the surrounding urban environment or to specific urban design principles, and with the sustainable design goal. Relative to the material presented on panel 1.

Performance simulations and results analysis – from 0 to 1. This section evaluates the correctness of simulations or calculations also through parametric tools, to which extent the selected design variation meets the performance required by the metric used for the design goal, and the performance analysis and comparison of different design variations. Relative to the material presented on panel 2.

Architectural design – from 0 to 1. This section evaluates the proper translation of the project concept in architectural design. Importance will be given to the attractiveness of the open spaces, the functionality of the typical floor plan layout, and the congruence of the façade design with the building massing and surrounding urban environment. Relative to the material presented on panel 3 and 4.

Presentation – from 0 to 1. This section evaluates the quality and completeness of the presentation, through diagrams, drawings, charts and images of all the project panels. It evaluates as well the sufficient level of sustainable design and performance analysis knowledge acquired (relative to the design goal) and the clarity of the oral presentation.

Participation - from 0 to 1. For the final grade, the quality of midterm presentations and active participation in the course will also be taken into account. All the students of the same team will receive the same grade. Exceptions can be made for students of the same group with different level of participation in the course and in the project.  



The course will take place at TalTech Mustamäe campus Architecture building room ICT-701 and in Teams every Monday 10:00 – 13:15 from 02.09 to 16.12.2024. A Teams team is created for the course to which the students will register accepting the invitation of the lecturers. A Teams team meeting will start at the beginning of the lesson and the recording will be available after the lesson. To access the recording in Teams from the General page access Files and then open the folder Recordings. Alternatively  you can access the SharePoint of the course from the this link Lessons recordings.

The following chart presents the main activities during the course and their sequence by week.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Week 01 - September 02

Course introduction, scope and expected outcome - Presentation of previous years’ select projects.

Lecture - Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning.

Rhinoceros account, introduction to Rhinoceros (Rhino) and Grasshopper (GH).

Week 02 - September 09

Design areas presentation – Teams creation and area selection.

Digital design – Basics of Rhino-GH.

Week 03 - September 16

Digital design - Methods for realizing and editing building massing in Rhino-GH.

Lecture - Design for Accessibility. Metrics used in the course.

Performative design for Accessibility 1 – Introduction to Ladybug Tools for GH, microclimate analysis and outdoor thermal comfort analysis with the Universal Thermal Climate Index metric using Ladybug Tools for GH.

Week 04 - September 23

Digital design – Import/export between Rhino-GH and BIM software, methods for realizing and editing building massing in Rhino-GH.  

Lecture - Design for Well-being. Metrics used in the course. 

Performative design for Well-being 1 – Introduction to ClimateStudio for Rhino, daylight simulation and analysis using the EN 17037 Daylight Provision metric using ClimateStudio for Rhino.

Week 05 - September 30

Digital design - Methods for realizing and editing building massing, floors and windows in Rhino-GH.

Lecture - Design for Clean Energy. Metrics used in the course. 

Performative design for Clean Energy 1 - Solar radiation analysis, energy generation calculation using ClimateStudio for GH.

Week 06 - October 07

Digital design - Methods for realizing and editing building massing, floors and windows in Rhino-GH.  

Lecture - Design for climate. Metrics used in the course. 

Performative design for Climate 1 – Estimation of embodied carbon emission using EPiC for GH.

Week 07 - October 14

Digital design -  Methods for realizing and editing building massing in Rhino-GH.

Lecture - Design for Ecosystems. Metrics used in the course.

Performative design for Ecosystems 1 – Parametric analysis of ratio of plot area covered with vegetation in GH.

Teams selection of design goals.

Week 08 - October 21 

Performative design for Accessibility 2 - Outdoor thermal comfort analysis with the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy metric using Ladybug Tools for GH. Wind comfort analysis using the Lawson comfort criteria. Analysis of simulation results in GH.

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design.

Week 09 - October 28

Performative design for Well-being 2 – View out simulation and analysis using the EN 17037 View Out metric in ClimateStudio for Rhino. Analysis of simulation results in Rhino.

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design.

Week 10 - November 04

Performative design for Clean Energy 2 - BIPV energy generation simulation and load match factor analysis using ClimateStudio for GH. Analysis of simulation results in GH. 

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design.

Week 11 - November 11

Performative design for Climate 2 - Estimation of embodied carbon emission using EPiC for GH. Analysis of simulation results in GH.

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design. 

Week 12 - November 18

Performative design for Ecosystems 2 - Analysis of view of green areas from building facades ratio using the BVGI tool for GH. Analysis of simulation results in GH. 

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design. 

Week 13 - November 25

Mid term review of project idea, design variations and initial performance analysis.

Week 14 - December 02

Performative design – Analysis of simulation results for selection of design proposal, and presentation.

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design, and presentation. 

Week 15 – December 09

Presentation - Architectural design presentation.

Consultations - Architectural, digital and performative design, and presentation. 

Week 16 – December 16

End of term review of completed project (draft) with the 4 panels.



The course has a Teams team accessible from here

For the activation of the Rhinoceros license and for participation in the Teams team the students will send an email to Francesco De Luca at francesco.deluca@taltech.ee writing in the email subject line “EAL0140 2024-25 Rhino+Teams” and in the email text body: name, family name and the email address used also for registering to the Rhinoceros website (better to use the same email and possibly the TalTech email).

Information about the course and lessons are also available in the Moodle page of the course accessible from here. However, the main online environments for the organization of the course is this webpage and the Teams team.

On this webpage different types of resources and all the material, like files used during the lessons will be available. It is recommended that the students participate to the lessons in person at University. For any information students can contact Francesco De Luca at francesco.deluca@taltech.ee and Ioannis Lykouras at ioannis.lykouras@taltech.ee. The email of the course assistants are Payam Madelat payam.madelat@taltech.ee and Jelena Kazak jelena.kazak@taltech.ee. 


Through this section material useful for the course is available. They are a book list, links to learning resources of the three-dimensional and parametric design and simulation software, websites useful for the course and files to be used in the course. Materials will be added continuously during the course to this section.


The following books are available at TalTech library. The books are useful for the course and in further studies to acquire knowledge about basic and advanced principles of sustainable, climatic and environmental design, building technology and performance simulations. The books presented here are not mandatory for the course. They are suggested readings.

- M. DeKay, G.Z. Brown, 2014. Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies: Architectural Design Strategies, John Wiley & Sons.

- N. Lechner, 2014. Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, John Wiley & Sons.

- K. Anderson, 2014. Design Energy Simulation for Architects: Guide to 3D Graphics, Routledge.

Several other books are available at TalTech library about the topics of the course.


- Rhinoceros/Grasshopper tutorials https://www.rhino3d.com/learn

- Grasshopper manual http://grasshopperprimer.com/en/index.html

- Ladybug Tools youtube tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtSMbRCHXHVFsETgWO0Jy08GRcHwhL0RA

- Ladybug Tools learning material https://docs.ladybug.tools/ladybug-tools-academy/

- ClimateStudio documentation https://climatestudiodocs.com/

- ClimateStudio tutorials https://www.solemma.com/climatestudio-tutorial-videos

- ClimateStudio youtube tutorials https://www.youtube.com/user/SustainableDesignLab/videos

- EPiC youtube tutorial https://youtu.be/2frszoP1J9Q  

- Rigi Teataja Methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings

- Rigi Teataja Hoone energiatõhususe arvutamise metoodika


- Rhinoceros commands >>>>>

Rhino 3D model of design areas

Lesson files, info and data

Week 01 - September 2

Presentation Environmental Performative Architecture and Planning - Francesco De Luca >>>>>

Week 02 - September 09

Digital design tutorial - Rhino file >>>>>

Teams and design areas

- Ivi Savila, Julia Drazdauskaite-Beljajeva, Nicole Polanecka, Mari-Ann Esajas - Vööri street

- Karita Ers, Sander Kõiv, Liisa-Lotta Pahkma, Nicole Reitsakas - Kristiina street

- Ksenia Karpova, Anastasia Balašova, Maarja Post, Kätlin Hiiuväin - Ahtri street

- Melani-Leana Kallus, Daniil Ševoldajev, Karlote Lindvest, Marit Nõmme - Lastekodu street

- Merili Aitsam, Andra Palla, Rica Tsirk, Anni Veske - Marja street

- Kim‐Mai Hoang, Despoina Elisavet Michailidi,  Šimon Pavlásek (EuroTeQ) - Area to be selected

Week 03 - September 16

Digital design tutorial - GH file >>>>>

Presentation Design for Accessibility - Outdoor Thermal Comfort >>>>>

Climate.OneBuilding.Org Repository of Building Simulation Climate Data >>>>>

UTCI Universal Thermal Climate Index webpage >>>>>

Tallinn weather file >>>>>

Performative design tutorial - Rhino file W03-PD01-Outdoor-Thermal-Comfort >>>>>

Performative design tutorial - GH file W03-PD01-Outdoor-Thermal-Comfort_Class >>>>>

Performative design tutorial - GH file W03-PD01-Outdoor-Thermal-Comfort >>>>>

GH plug-in Meshedit >>>>>

Procedure to install the GH plugin: 1 - Close Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. 2 - Download the .zip file. 3 - Unblock the .zip archive by right-clicking the .zip file and checking the Unblock box, and click Apply and OK (as shown in the image below - the archive could be already unblocked). 

(Click on the image to enlarge)

4 - Copy the .gha file in the folder C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries where NAME is your username used on your laptop or on the class computer. If you cannot access the folder on the class computer then you need to make the installation with Rhinoceros and Grasshopper switched on. In this case from the Grasshopper dropdown menu select File then Special Folders and then Components Folder as show in the image below. Then switch off Grasshopper and Rhinoceros

(Click on the image to enlarge)

5 - Start Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. 

Week 04 - September 23

ClimateStudio activation instructions. ClimateStudio software is available in both environments, in Rhino and in GH. The activation is done in Rhinoceros. It will be used in the Rhino environment for the course.

1 - After installation you should see a new toolbar in Rhino.

2 - Alternatively, the right-hand side tab can be used activating it from the gear button.

3 - Selecting CS Workflows.

(Click on the image to enlarge)
4 - Make an horizontal plane.

5 - Select the Radiation Map simulation (there is the same button in the CS toolbar).

6 - A Open the analysis surface tab, and B select the surface.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

7 - Click OK

8 - Run the simulation. 

Now the license window pop-up. Copy/paste the code.

9 - After few seconds you should see the analysis surface colored according to the simulation results.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Digital design tutorial Rhino file >>>>>

Digital design tutorial GH file >>>>>

Presentation Design for Wellbeing - Daylight >>>>> 

Performative design tutorial - Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Week 05 - September 30

Digital design GH file >>>>>

Presentation Design for Clean Energy - Solar Radiation and Energy Generation >>>>>

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Building generator GH file >>>>>

PV generator GH file >>>>>

Week 06 - October 07

Digital design GH files >>>>>

Presentation Design for Climate - Embodied carbon emissions calculation in building massing design >>>>>

Building Generator LCA GH file >>>>>

External wall variations

(Click on the image to enlarge)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Week 07 - October 14

Digital design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Presentation Design for Ecosystems - Green Cover and Visibility >>>>>

Presentation Design Goal Performances (recap) >>>>>

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Week 08 - October 21

Paper OTCA. Outdoor thermal comfort autonomy: Performance metrics for climate-conscious urban design >>>>>

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Week 09 - October 28

Standard Daylight in buildings EN 17037 >>>>>

ClimateStudio View Out documentation https://climatestudiodocs.com/docs/viewEN17037.html

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

GH file W09-PD7-Daylight-ViewOut-fixed with fixed component view out results >>>>>

Week 10 - November 4

Slides support lesson 10 >>>>>

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>

Building generator >>>>>

PV generator >>>>>

Riigi Teataja - Hoone energiatõhususe arvutamise metoodika >>>>>

Week 12 - November 18

Slides support lesson 12  >>>>>

Spatial Visible Green Index paper >>>>>

Building Visible Green Index paper >>>>>

Performative design tutorial Rhino + GH files >>>>>